Photography Services

Photography services can be used for various purposes, including marketing and advertising, branding, social media content, personal and family portraits, and more. They can be tailored to meet the client's specific needs, whether it's a business looking to create professional product photos or an individual needing a high-quality headshot for their LinkedIn profile.

The Process

  • Pre-Production

    First, we’ll have a consultation to discuss your project and understand your vision. We'll work with you to plan the shoot, including the location, equipment, and props needed. We'll also schedule a date and time for the node that works for you. Our team will prepare our equipment, ensuring it is in working order, and that we have all the gear for the shoot.

  • Production

    Our team will arrive at the location on the day of the shoot and set up our equipment. The photographer will take the photos, following the shot list as closely as possible. We may also direct the subjects on how to pose or where to stand to ensure the best shots. We'll periodically review the photos to ensure they turn out as desired and make any necessary adjustments to the equipment or shot list.

  • Post-Production

    After the shoot, we move into post-production, which involves editing and delivering the final product. We'll import the photos onto our computer and back them up to ensure they are recovered. We'll adjust things like exposure, colour, and contrast during the colouring process to make the photos look their best. If necessary, we may also retouch the photos to remove blemishes or other imperfections. Finally, we'll deliver the final images to you in the agreed-upon format via a cloud-based storage platform, email, or other methods.